Interviewer instructions
9. Toilet facilities
There are 4 possible responses to this question. Write an 'x' in the appropriate box.
a) Hydraulic Toilet: This type of hygienic latrine, commonly known as 'modern comfort', is generally located inside the house and empties its contents into the sewer or a ditch with the help of a water boost system.
Please note: If there is also another type of latrine in the house, only check off hydraulic toilet.
b) Pit latrine in the Yard/Courtyard: Check off this heading if the only toilet is a latrine in the yard/courtyard of the house itself.
c) Pit latrine outside of the Yard/Courtyard: If there is a latrine in another place which is used by several households or dwellings, check this heading.
d) Other: If there is no other
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type of latrine in the dwelling other than those cited above, check off this heading and indicate what type is used in the section reserved for comments.