Literal question
I. Dwelling Characteristics
[Questions 1-19 were not asked of mobile dwellings, shelter and premises not intended for habitation]
8. Availability of water
In this dwelling there is:
Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer, then circle only one code.
[] 1 Piped water inside the dwelling
[] 2 Piped water outside the dwelling but on the property
[] 3 Piped water from a public tap or hydrant (go to 10)
[] 4 Piped water that is transported from another dwelling (go to 10)
[] 5 Water from a truck (go to 10)
[] 6 Water from a well, river, lake, gully or other (go to 10)
Interviewer instructions
6.3 Section I. Housing characteristics
In this section, instructions will be presented for the questions that investigate the characteristics of the private inhabited dwellings.
If the class of the private inhabited dwellings is a premise not intended for inhabitation, a mobile dwelling, a shelter, or a collective dwelling, don't apply this section. Start the interview with the section II, List of People.
8. Water availability
With this question, whether or not the occupants of the dwelling have access to running water is identified and distinguished into those that:
Have running water inside the dwelling.
Only have a water faucet on the property.
Carry the water from a public faucet or from another dwelling.
Are habitually supplied from another source when there is no running water.
Circle code 1 when the housing has water from the kitchen faucet, the shower, and the sink, among others.
[p. 80]
The water from pipes generally is stored in cisterns, washbasins, metal cans, and other containers.
If they respond with some code from 3 to 6, don't apply question 9 "Water resources".