Literal question
V. Access to food
1. Access to food
Did any of the following occur in the last three months due to a lack of food or resources?
Read all the options and circle only one code for each option.
Someone in this dwelling ate only once per day
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Someone in this dwelling didn't eat for an entire day
[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No
Did you ever not have any food?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Interviewer instructions
6.7 Section V. Access to food
1. Access to food
The objective is to find out if one of the members of the dwelling stopped eating during some occasion due to a lack of money or resources, during the last three months.
Solicit the informer to provide the information required of the dwelling.
Read all the options and circle only one code for each one.
[p. 122-146 detailing various enumerator operating procedures are omitted here]