Literal question
III. Personal characteristics
Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II
For all persons
[Questions 1-10 are asked of all persons.]
2. Age
How old is [the respondent] in completed years?
If less than one year old write "000".
Write the number of years _ _ _
Interviewer instructions
6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people
In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.
Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.
For all persons
[Questions 1-11 are for all persons.]
2. Age
With this question, it is known that the age represents the completed years of the people in the dwelling at the moment of the interview.
If the informer doesn't remember or [cannot] specify the age of some person, help him with some event (marriage, a child's birth, year in school, among others) or ask him to consult a birth certificate, voter's ID, personal identification card (CURP), driver's license, or some other document where the birth date appears; help him calculate the age.
[p. 91]
Register three zeros ("000") if the person is younger than 1 year, and [if he/she] is hours old, days old, weeks old, or younger than 12 months.