Literal question
III. Personal characteristics
Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II
For person age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 were asked of persons age 12 or older]
26. Activity status
Now I'm going to ask you about employment status.
Last week, [the respondent]:
Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer and then circle only one code.
[] 1 Worked (for at least one hour) (go to 28)
[] 2 Had a job but didn't work (go to 28)
[] 3 Looked for work
[] 4 Receives a pension or is retired
[] 5 Is a student
[] 6 Does housework
[] 7 Has a permanent physical or mental disability which prevents him/her from working (go to 35)
[] 8 Had a status other than those listed above
27. Verification of activity status
Even though you told me that [the respondent] (answer to 26), last week did [the respondent]:
[Question 27 was asked of persons age 12 or older who did not work last week and were not disabled, per question 26.]
Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer and then circle only one code.
[] 1 Help in a business (family or non-family)?
[] 2 Sell a product?
[] 3 Make a product for sale?
[] 4 Help in field work or raising animals?
[] 5 Do any other type of activity for pay? Examples are washing or ironing for someone else, or childcare.
[] 6 Was an apprentice or completing his social service?
[] 7 Did not help or work (go to 35)
Interviewer instructions
6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people
In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.
Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.
For persons age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 are for persons age 12 or older]
26. Activity status, 27. Verification of activity status
For better operation of the questions in this category, it's important that you emphasize the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask you about your labor situation", since this will help the informer understand the new theme. Read this phrase before asking question 26.
This question seeks to find out which of the people who inhabit the dwelling worked the week prior to the data collection.
[p. 108]
Consider that a person worked if:
He/she completed some economic activity for more than one hour the week prior to the data collection in exchange for an income, salary, earnings, wages, or other form of pay in terms of money or goods (like beans, corn, or other products).
He/she participated or helped in the collaboration or sale of agricultural, herding, self-sufficient
activities, construction, or some other economic activity.
He/she was in training or doing an internship
He/she completed some economic activity without receiving a salary.
The business is or is not part of the family, it is or is not part of his/her property, it does or does not have installations, or if he/she worked on his/her own.
Circle code 2 of question 26, when the person did have work but didn't go to work because:
He/she had medical leave or maternity leave.
He/she was on vacation.
There were not primary resources or the machinery wasn't working.
He/she was waiting for the rainy season to start working in the field.
There was a technical stop in the work or he/she didn't go for other reasons.
[p. 109]
When this is the case, investigate the characteristics of the job that he/she normally completes. If the person completed more than a month at the job, ask which was his/her primary task, as recognized as such by the informer or the worker. If he/she has some doubt, ask which of those tasks is the most important? If the doubt persists, investigate to which task he/she dedicated the most time the last week.
Circle code 3 when the person already found work but the week previous to the data collection still hadn't started to work.
When the person, in addition to work, studied or did chores around the house, consider that he/she did work, even though he/she dedicated more hours to studying or the household chores.
Ask question 27 only if the people in question 26 expressed not having a job the week before the data collection.
Keep in mind that the options for question 27 are activities that people generally don't consider as work.
For example:
Interviewer: "Now I'm going to ask you about your labor situation. Did you work last week?"
Informer: "No, I didn't work".
Interviewer: "You had work, but you didn't work?"
Informer: "No".
Interviewer: Did you look for work?
Informer: "No, sir, I'm a housewife".
Interviewer: "Then, you dedicate yourself to the household chores?"
Informer: "Yes, that's right".
Interviewer: "Even though you told me that you dedicate your time to the household chores, did you help with the family business last week?"
Informer: "Well, sometimes I take out my stove and sell quesadillas here outside, to help us a little with the expenses".
Interviewer: "Last week you sold quesadillas".
Informer: "Yes, only on Tuesday".
[Illustration of form shows code 6, "Housework" for Question 26, and code 2 "Sells product" for Question 27.]