Literal question
III. Personal characteristics
Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II
For person age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 were asked of persons age 12 or older]
34. Municipality, state or country of work
In what municipality (administrative subdivision in Mexico City [delegación]) is the business, company or place where [the respondent] worked last week located?
[Question 34 was asked of persons age 12 or older who worked or helped in economic activity last week, per questions 26 and 27.]
Circle only one code or write the municipality (administrative subdivision in Mexico City)
[] 1 Here, in this municipality (administrative subdivision in Mexico City) (go to 35)
[] In another municipality (administrative subdivision in Mexico City). Write the name of the municipality (administrative subdivision in Mexico City) ________
In what state (or country)?
[] 3 Here, in this state
[] In another state or country. Write the name of the state or country ________
Interviewer instructions
6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people
In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.
Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.
For persons age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 are for persons age 12 or older]
34. Municipality, entity or country of work
These questions find out the municipality or delegation, as well as the entity of the Mexican Republic or country where the business, company, or place is located where the person worked the week before the data collection.
They are two questions, the first identifies the municipality and the second the entity or country where the business, company, or workplace is located.
[p. 116]
If the person mentions that he/she worked in the home, for example, he/she washed or cleaned different clothes, prepared food to sell, among others, circle code 1.
When the response is that he/she doesn't have a fixed municipality to work, because he/she sells some kind of product and moves around between different municipalities, solicit where he/she goes with highest frequency and record it. But if he/she doesn't have a fixed place to work, write he/she doesn't have a fixed work place in the spaces of "In another municipality" and "In another state or country".
If he/she responds with the name of a municipality or delegation different than the municipality of the interview, note the name, investigate the state of the Mexican Republic to which it belongs and record it. In the case of not obtaining the exact information, write what the informer says in the line "In another state or country".
If the response is Mexico or Mexico City, solicit if it refers to the Federal District or the state of Mexico.