Interviewer instructions
Question 2.1-2.3 - Number of livestock owned. Write the number of livestock owned by the household by each type of livestock.
Question 2.4-2.14 - Write the changes in the past 12 months in the number of livestock owned. Record the number of livestocks recpectively by livestocks received as gifts, bought, born, exchanged for goods, sold, consumed for food, given away as gifts and lost during the past 12 months. In the column 6, calculate the total number of livestocks in each row. Write the total amount received for sold livestocks and slaughtered meat in the questions 9 and 12 by each type of livestock.
Question 2.15 - To calculate the total number of livestocks owned in the past 12 months, add number of livestocks received as gifts, bought and born during the last 12 months on the number of currently owned livestock (column 1) and minus exchanged, sold, given away as a gift and lost livestocks. The calculation should be made for each type of livestock. Please keep in mind to use the marks '+' and '-' on the questionnaire form to calculate the number of livestock owned during the last 12 months.
Question 3.15-3.18 - Number of poultry or any other animal. Write the total numbers of pigs, chickens/poultry, reindeer, donkeys and other animals owned by the household and specify number of female adults and young animals from the total animal.