Interviewer instructions
Question No. 8--household's sewer system
This question attempts to investigate the elimination of human waste. You should mark one of the following alternatives:
--Sewer: You will mark box 1 if the dwelling that this household inhabits is connected to a network of sewage receptacles.
--Septic tank: You will mark box 2 if the drains lead into a closed concrete tank where the product decants. These tanks drain by overflowing into an absorption well.
--Pit/latrine: You will mark box 3 if the waste flows into a hole in the land which was made for that purpose.
--Other system: You will mark box 4 if the waste flows into a canal, river, barrel, or other waste receptacle [abrómico], etc.
--None: You will mark box 5 if the dwelling that the household inhabits doesn't have any of the systems mentioned.