Question pretext
During the period specified, did you or any member of your family receive as gifts materials, fees and services for education?
Interviewer instructions
If there are family members who are studying at any time during the reference period, all expenses related to their education will be entered here.
If the family shouldered the expenses incurred during the reference period for any of the items/services included in this group, the value should be entered in D1(a). But when the fees, school supplies and other school obligations are paid or provided for by a relative, a benefactor or a private entity as a gift or grant, the value of the supplies as well as the obligation are to be entered in D1(b). Include also in D1(b) any gift in cash intentionally given to the family for the purpose of paying educational expenses. Enter the corresponding amount in the appropriate item. When the schooling member of the family is a recipient of a scholarship grant sponsored by the government, a private corporation or an association, report the value of grant in D1(b).
In estimating the value for Item 1 - Education Fees such as tuition, matriculation and other school fees include all payments made during the reference period. Take note that the education fees for public and private should be separately reported. For the first visit, inquire about school fees paid from January to June 2000 covering both the current school year and the last school year (second semester of SY 1999-2000).
Include also in this subsection, graduation fees, internship fees, payment of yearbooks and other school contributions. If receipts of payments are available, refer to them in order to get the accurate amount paid for school fees.
Include in the list of expenditures for Item 2, allowances for family members studying away from home, the amount provided for board/lodging, food and allowances of a family member living away from home.
For books and school supplies, you have to ask also for each student. There are courses which require expensive books and materials like those in Medicine, Architecture, Fine Arts and other Engineering courses. Reference books such as Encyclopedias, Book of Nature Series, World Atlas, Bible Stories and the like are to be included in this section. Note that there are books that may be bought on an installment basis like encyclopedias and other reference books. If a family made such installments during the reference period, the total value (down payment and installments paid/to be paid) should be entered. However, do not forget to enter the unpaid amount under loans from business firms of Other Receipts (III-D, item 4). If the family is already paying for the loan, include the payments made under Other Disbursements (II-I, Item 7). Also included under school supplies are expenditures on laboratory specimen.
Report in item 5 - Other educational supplies, expenditures on newspapers, magazines, comics, pocketbooks and other supplies not covered in items 1 to 4 of this subsection.
When a member of the family is currently being benefited by a “study now, pay later” plan, enter the educational expenses covered by the plan in the appropriate item in D1(a). If the program also covers other non-educational expenditures incidental to the member's schooling like transportation expenses, treat this as if the family is shouldering the cost and enter the amount in their corresponding sections in Part II. However, the total amount covered by the plan should be recorded in Other Receipts (III-D) as loans from private households (Item 3) or as loans for private firms and government institutions (Item 4), as the case may be.
On the other hand, if the family is now making payments for the plan, treat the payments made during the reference period as payments for loans and enter the amount in Payment of Cash Loans under Other Disbursements (II-I, Item 2).
Do not impute a value to free education subsidized by the government. Report only the miscellaneous fees paid, if any.