Interviewer instructions
Food consumption covers only the actual food consumption of the family. Consumption of domestic helper as well as persons employed by the family to do odd jobs around the house may be included if they cannot be accounted for separately. The consumption of the boarders and other persons in the same household not related to the family as well as overseas contract workers on vacation during the reference period are excluded. Food consumed by the family and its guests on a special occasion during the semester is excluded here. But do not forget to report all these in H1 (Special Family Occasions). Similarly, food especially prepared for pets is to be entered under D2 (Recreation).
For households with unrelated members, report only the actual consumption of the head.
Prepared meals bought from restaurants and eaten at home are classified also under this category.
Report food consumed at home in the item of expenditure where they belong. That is, if the family baked a cake, report the flour consumed as flour in Item 5 and not as cake. However, bottled, canned and other packed food items as well as those bought in “ready-to-eat”, and “ready-mixed” forms will be classified accordingly as preparations (cereal preparation, meat preparation, etc.) or processed food, as the case may be. Similarly, flavored foods are to be classified according to their main content/ingredient and not their flavors. For instance, calamansi consumed as juice should be reported under Fresh Fruits and not under fruit juices and non-carbonated drinks.