Question pretext
During the PERIOD SPECIFIED, did you or any member of your family engage in crop farming and gardening such as growing of palay, corn, roots and tubers, vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc.?
Literal question
During the PERIOD SPECIFIED, did you or any member of your family harvest crops, fruits and vegetables? If yes, how much was consumed by the family or given away as gifts?
Interviewer instructions
Report under this section all crops harvested from the farm operated by the family. This includes the production/harvests of lessees of fruit trees such as lanzones and mango if there were harvests made during the reference period. Report the area harvested in hectares if the plants were compactly planted and report the number of trees, if scattered. The "Production" column should be used in entering the quantity harvested including the unit of production. For instance in reporting the harvest in palay, the entry should be 50 sacks or 2,500 kgs. Do not forget to indicate the unit in reporting the harvest. Report in the "Total Value" column the estimated value of harvest based on prevailing price in the market if production has not been disposed. Otherwise, the total value to be reported should be estimated based on the actual amount of sale of the crop. However, if part of production was sold and part of it was consumed and given away, estimate the total value based on the unit price of the crops sold. The value consumed and given away should likewise be estimated based on the unit price of crops sold.
Take note that the crops listed in this section are similarly grouped as those in "Section A1 - Food Consumed at Home" in Part II (Expenditure). The purpose of this grouping is to be able to transfer during processing those own-produced crops, which were consumed by the family during the reference semester to the "Expenditure" side of the family account. It is therefore important to enter the crops according to their pre-determined classification.
Item 1.Cereals - Enter under this item the quantity harvested from the farm. In case the palay production was already milled into rice, line out "Palay" and enter "Rice". Report the area in hectares and production in sacks of 50 kgs or in kgs. Less than one hectare should be reported in two decimal places, for example, 0.25 for one-fourth hectare.
Report the effective area harvested. That is, if harvest was made twice from the same land, the area should be counted two times. For example, if rice is harvested two times from the same land with an area of one hectare, report two hectares as effective area.
The area harvested should be checked with the physical area of the farm. The effective area should not exceed three times the physical area for temporary crops.
The total value consumed and value given away as gifts does not necessarily equal the total value of production. The difference is possibly due to the stock on hand or value sold.
In the case of corn, report the production either in kgs. or by ears/pieces. If corn has been sold or consumed as green corn, report them separately. Utilize the blank space to enter green corn and enter the quantity in kgs. or sacks. Affix "green" in parenthesis to the Item "Corn" to indicate that the harvest was green corn.
Try to validate the value of rice and corn that were consumed. If the family of five in our previous example consumed a sack of rice a month, then in six months the consumption should be around 6 sacks of rice. Estimate the price of 6 sacks based on market price.
Item 2.Roots and Tubers - Report the production in this Item either in kgs. or in sacks. There are places in the country were roots and tubers are commonly grown. For example, potatoes are commonly grown in Northern part of Luzon. Expect an entry under "Value Consumed" column. The enumerator has to inquire on the main crops of the area so that important crops such as potatoes, sweet potatoes (camote), cassava and gabi are reported. In mountainous area, root crops such as ubi, tugui, etc. are common crops; therefore, more effort should be made to inquire specifically for these items.
Item 3.Fruits and Vegetables - There are certain kinds of fruits and vegetables, which are seasonally grown. Be sure to inquire as to the kind of fruits and vegetables, which are in season during the reference semester. Lump the value of all fruits harvested in Item 3 (a) and all vegetables in Item 3 (b). If "copra" making is an integral part of farming, report "copra" under Item 4(c), Others. Note that the value of coconut made into "copra" should be excluded in Item 3(c). Other crops such as peanuts, cashew and pili nuts should be specified in Item 3 (d).
Item 4.Others - It is possible that besides tobacco and coffee there are still other food and non-food crops not covered in Item 1-3 above such as sugarcane, and other industrial crops. Report the lumped value of such crops in Item 4(c). Report also in this item manufactured goods as an integral part of farming like abaca fiber, "basi", "tuba", etc. Include tuba gathering in this section, if production is in the farm by a family member who is the farm operator; if processing is already an activity of an establishment, said activity will be reported in Manufacturing (IV-A6).
After completing the entries in all the columns calculate the vertical totals (column totals for Cols. 5 to 7) and enter them at the bottom of the frame.
A1.c Expenses
Report here only those that were incurred in connection with the production of the crops reported in A1(b). In order to assist the respondent in remembering the items of expenses, read out each item, line by line.
If the activity has a formal payroll system where the proprietor or other members of the family are actually paid salaries or wages, these expenses should be reported under Item 5 - Wages of Hired Labor and Paid Family Members. The same value should also be entered in the appropriate section in Part III-A - Salaries and Wages from Employment.
Inquire first on cash purchases then those that were used or expended in kind. For instance, if wages of hired labor were paid in kind, say from the harvest; enter the value under the "In Kind" column.
Report the expenses only if the family made an actual harvest during the reference period. Furthermore, the expenditure to be reported is the total expenditure incurred for the area/trees harvested even if such expenditures were made prior to the indicated reference period.
On the other hand, expenses incurred for crops raised but not harvested during the period will be excluded. Thus, if part of the crop was harvested during the reference period and part was not, try to ascertain from the respondent the approximate expenses for the crops harvested during the reference period.
Computation Of Net Income:
Enter the "Total Value" of production in the appropriate location. Then enter the total costs and obtain the difference. If the net income is negative (total value is less than the cost) inquire why it is so. It is possible that the production was understated or the expenses may have included expenses incurred in planting other crops, which are not yet harvested. Resolve the problem before going to another section. If the net income is really negative, then an explanation right below the summary computation for the reference period is necessary.