Question pretext
During the PERIOD SPECIFIED, did you or any member of your family engage in such activities as capturing fish (with a boat of three tons or less), gathering fry, shells, seaweeds and other aquatic animals
or products and culturing fish, oyster, mussel, etc.?
Literal question
During the PERIOD SPECIFIED, did you or any member of your family catch/gather/ harvest fish or aquatic products? If yes, how much was consumed by the family or given away as gifts?
Interviewer instructions
Fishing Activity of Family
Ask the question as worded. If the reply is "Yes", proceed to ask the next question in A3(b).
Be reminded that a family member is considered as an operator in fishing if the fishing activity is mainly for sale. If the family member is engaged in fishing mainly for home consumption, the reply to this question should be "No". The fishing activity therefore should be entered in Part III, Section F - Family Sustenance Activities.
A3.b.Fish Catch/Gather/Harvest
Item 1.Fish and Other Products Caught - include all types of fishes caught in seawater or fresh water such as milkfish, biya, galunggong, ayungin, talakitok, etc.
Include here all fishes caught that were made into "daing" or "bagoong" or "buro" or "sinaing".
Item 2.Fry Gathered - includes milkfish fry and sugpo fry gathered in seawater or brackish water.
Item 3.Shells and Other Products Gathered - includes clams, crabs, shrimps, squid, agar-agar, sponge, sea or fresh water shells, snails, water hyacinth gathering, seaweeds and other fresh water and sea products.
Item 4.Fish Harvested - refers to fish gathered or harvested from fishponds and fishpens.
Item 5.Oyster and Mussel Harvested - this refers to oysters and mussels harvested in farms specifically to raise them e.g., tahong farm and oyster farm.
Item 6.Other Products Harvested - refers to "lumot" gathered from fishponds; also included are seashells gathered in seashores like puka shells, pearl shells, starfish, sea cucumber, sea corals and other marine products.
Be sure to fill up the value columns in the same manner as earlier instructed.
This subsection has preprinted items of expenses. Try to classify the expenses incurred according to the five major items. Enter in the last item, expenses that cannot be classified in the first five items.
Calculate for the totals of each column of A3 (b) and A3(c). In the darkened portion outside the frame, enter the summary totals to derive the Net Income from this activity.
Question post text