Question pretext
During the PERIOD SPECIFIED, did you or any member of your family engage in such forestry activities as tree planting (ipil-ipil), firewood gathering, small scale logging excluding concessionaires, charcoal making, gathering forestry products (cogon, nipa, rattan, bamboo, resin, gum, etc.), or hunting wild animals/birds?
Literal question
During the SPECIFIED, did you or any member of your family dispose of (whether sold, consumed, or given away)
forestry products gathered or wild animals/birds hunted? If yes, how much was consumed by the family or given away as gifts?
Interviewer instructions
A4.b Forest Products Disposed of
Report here those that were actually disposed of (consumed, sold and given away as gifts) during the reference period. If there was no disposal made during the reference period then there should be no entry.
In order not to miss any item, read out to the respondent the item as listed in col. 1. Included in this inquiry are wild animals and birds caught and sold as "live" or as processed. Examples of wild animals are wild boar, wild deer and crocodiles. Examples of birds are red maya, loro, martinez and wild pugo usually caught in lowland areas.
A4.c Expenses
If there are expenses incurred in producing or gathering these forest products entered in A4(b), be sure to classify them according to the items of expenses listed. Transportation expenses and food spent to feed the animals and birds and other incidental expenses in connection with the care, processing and disposal of forest products should be entered under "Others".
Calculate the Net Income portion, which is located outside the frame (darkened area).
Question post text