Question pretext
During the PERIOD SPECIFIED, did you or any member of your family engage in such manufacturing activities as mat weaving, tailoring, dressmaking, bagoong making and fish drying?
Interviewer instructions
A6.a.Operator in Manufacturing
Ask the respondent the question in A6a as worded bearing in mind that the manufacturing activity is mainly for sale. If response is "Yes" enter in appropriate column. Otherwise, encircle code 2 - "No".
A6.b. Major Activity
If response is "Yes" in A6(a), inquire as to the specific manufacturing/processing/ activity. If there are two or more activities like dressmaking and tailoring, determine which activity is considered a major activity and enter in shaded portion. Other activities that are not considered major should be described under the computations/ remarks column with the corresponding reference period. Write the major activity on the line provided.
A6.c.Sale of Goods
The questions asked here are similar to those questions asked in the preceding section (Section A5 - Wholesale and Retail) so fill up the answers in accordance with previous instructions in Sections A5. Exclude the goods consumed by the family if these were not paid for.
Note that while Question (a) of this section seeks to ascertain if a family member engaged in any manufacturing activity during the reference semester. Question (c), on the other hand, explicitly asks about the sale of goods manufactured. Hence, the report in Question (c) is the number of months when sales were made and not the number of months of manufacturing goods during the said period. The goods sold may have been manufactured before or during the reference semester.
If there are more than one manufacturing/ processing activities reported, the number of months to be entered is the average number of months when the manufactured products of these activities were sold.
A6.d-e Goods Consumed or Given Away as Gifts
In filling up these two subsections, try to enter the items consumed on the basis of the broad classification in Col. 1, that is, if the activity is "bagoong" making and the family consumed 1 gallon during the reference period, the entry should be in Item 5 (Processed Fish and Marine Products) in Subsection A6 (d). On the other hand, if one-half gallon was given to friend of the family, enter also in Item 5 but in Subsection A6 (e).
Remember that the value to be asked will refer to goods consumed by the sample family and to goods given away to relatives (not enumerated with the sample family) and friends, regardless of when the goods were manufactured.
Do not include gifts given to others to promote the increase in sales of the manufactured goods. These "give-aways" should be charged as expenses for the enterprise in Item 2 (Others) of A6. (f).
The raw materials used in the manufactured goods that were sold, consumed and given away must be reported in Item 1. All other expenses shall be lumped together and entered in the total in Item 2.
Net Income:
Do not forget to compute the net income. Use the prepared worksheet located at the bottom portion of the sheet (darkened area) to enter totals taken from subsections (c), (d), (e) and (f) and compute the net income from manufacturing.
Question post text