Question pretext
During the PERIOD SPECIFIED, did you or any member of your family operate any activity providing transportation, storage and communication services such as operation of jeepneys or taxis, storage and warehousing activities, tour and travel agencies, messenger services etc.?
Interviewer instructions
Like in preceding sections, accomplish subsections (a) and (b) according to previous instructions.
As in the previous sections, not in A5 and A6, include in the gross receipts the imputed cost of transport incurred by any family member who uses the vehicles say, in going to school, place of work. They are treated as if the family paid for it.
A8.c Expenses
In reporting the expenses, the operator, say a taxi operator (kabit system only) may have a record of gasoline/diesel and oil expenses in operating the vehicle including spare parts and washing cost. Try to inquire on his average monthly expenses for recurring items and make an estimate for the reference period. For repairs and purchase of spare parts that occur occasionally, inquire if there was such an expense during the reference period. All other expenses not falling in either Item 1 or Item 2 should be lumped together and entered in Item 3. For example in a "kabit" taxi operator, the payment for the line to operate should fall under this item. For calesa operators, the cost of animal feed for the horse should also be entered under this item. If the feed is not bought but taken from the farm then impute the value and enter it in the "In Kind" column,
Do not forget to compute the net income at the bottom portion of the section.
Question post text