The different sources of Water Supply are as follows:
Own use, faucet, and community water system - Here the family gets its water supply from a faucet inside the house/yard directly connected to a water pipeline from the community water system. If the water supply is from a faucet, which is connected to a deep well and owned and used solely by the family, it should be reported as tubed/piped well, own use.
Shared, faucet, Community Water System - The family gets water supply from a faucet, for public use, or the faucet of another household, establishment, or office, which is connected to the community water system.
Own use, tubed/piped well - Water is taken from a tubed/piped well for private use of the family.
Shared, tubed/piped well - Water is taken from a tubed/piped well, which was constructed for public use or taken from a tubed/piped well of another household, establishment or office.
Dug well - The family gets its water supply from a dug well. The ordinary dug well and the improved type, which is provided with a protective device against contamination or pollution belongs to this type.
Spring, river, stream, etc. - The family gets its water supply from natural bodies of water, which has not been developed yet.
Rain - refers to water accumulated from rainfall.
Peddler - The family does not directly get its water supply from any of the sources mentioned above. This is the usual source of water supply of families in areas that do not have central water system and/or that have low water pressure.