Interviewer instructions
Roots and Tubers
Report here the quantity and value of all edible fresh roots and tubers consumed. Also include all derived foods from roots and tubers consumed by the family such as potato chips, cassava cake and other root and tuber preparations. The average weekly consumption for homemade potato chips consumed by the family are to be listed under item 1, potato.
Item 1. Potato - This covers all varieties (e.g., Irish, Idaho, etc.) consumed. Report the quantity in kg. or sack, as the case may be.
Item 2. Cassava - This covers all edible varieties consumed. Quantity may be in kg. or sack or bundle.
Item 3.Sweet Potato (camote)- Includes all varieties. Report quantity in kilogram or sack. Camote tops must be reported in leafy vegetables.
Item 4. Gabi - Report only the tubers or any variety. Leaves used as viand should be reported under leafy vegetables.
Item 5. Other Roots and Tubers including Preparations - Covers average weekly consumption by the family of other roots and tubers not covered above and preparations made from roots and tubers. Examples of these are "ubi", "haleyang ubi", "tugui", "singkamas", "sago", potato chips, French fries, cassava cake, etc. directly purchased as finished product
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