Distributive and Service Trade Survey 2008-2009 (2001 E.C)
Name | Country code |
Ethiopia | ETH |
Enterprise Survey [en/oth]
This is the third Distributive and Service Trade Survey conducted by Central Statistical Agency (CSA) of Ethiopia. The first and second DTS were conducted in 2001 and 2003.
The Central Statistical Agency (CSA) has provided statistical information on the country’s distributive trade for the third time to alert policy interventionists on the changes taking place in this sector. As part of this task, this third sample survey of distributive trade for 2008/09 (2001 E.C) was conducted to provide data on number of enterprises involved, magnitude of income, employment, value added, and other items of interest for the specified year.
Unlike its predecessors, the third survey excludes the service trade as per the guidance of the International Recommendations for Distributive Trade Statistics, 2008, United Nations which recommends the service trade be dealt with separately. Thus, in this survey, distributive trade corresponds to the wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles only. It includes the sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles, and retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Enterprise (Distributive and Service Trade)
v01: This version of the metadata contains final cleaned dataset that used to produce the 2008-2009 (2001 E.C) Distributive and Service Trade Survey
The scope of distributive trade defined in this survey is wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles. The range of data items that the 2008/09 (2001 E.C) distributive trade sample survey comprises number of enterprises involved, employment, income obtained, volume of trade, distribution of enterprises in the regions and major towns of the country, the investment situation, and others within the distributive trade sector.
Topic | Vocabulary |
Financial Sector | World Bank |
The 2010 distributive trade survey covered only urban parts of the country. Fifteen major urban centres (regional capitals and other major towns) and 106 other towns were covered in the survey.
All wholesale trade enterprises found in the sampled EA were covered by the survey where as 10 retail trade enterprises and 10 Motor vehicle repair & maintenance enterprises were covered in each sampled EA.
Name | Affiliation |
Central Statistical Agency | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development |
Name | Role |
Government of Ethiopia | Funding the study |
Sample design
The urban areas of the country were divided into two broad categories. Regional capitals and big towns constitute one category where as other towns in the regions constitute the second category. The frame compiled from the 2009 small scale manufacturing survey and list of EAs from population census is used as a frame for this survey.
Category one (regional capitals and big towns)
This category consists of eleven regional capitals and four towns of the country. Each of them is considered to be the survey domain (reporting level) for which separate results are reported. Capitals and big towns included in this category are:
For this category a three-stage stratified cluster sample design is used to select the samples in which the primary sampling units (PSUs) are the kebeles which are selected using systematic probability proportional to size sampling; size being number of trade enterprises obtained from the 2009 small scale industry survey. The secondary sampling units (SSUs) are the enumeration areas (EAs). EAs are selected by simple random sampling. Finally, at the third stage, establishments are selected systematically.
Category two (other towns)
This catagory consists of eight domains (reporting levels) of other towns that are not included in the first group, namely,
Three-stage stratified cluster sample design is adopted to select the sample from domains in category two. The PSUs are urban centers and they are selected using systematic probability proportional to size sampling; size being number of trade enterprises obtained from the 2009 small scale industry survey. The secondary sampling units are EAs that are selected using simple random sampling (SRS) method and the ultimate sampling units are the trade enterprises. In addition to the above categories survey results are produced for each regional capital, big towns, and other towns by combining the two categories in the region.
Totally 591 enumeration areas were planned to be covered in the survey and one EA was not covered for certain reasons. Thus, the survey succeeded to cover 590 EAS.
The Distributive and Service Trade Establishments Survey questionnaire contains the following section (parts):
Section 1: Identification particulars of the distributive/service trade establishment : This section has variables that use to identify each questionnaire uniquely.
Section 2: Basic information of the establishment: This section contains variables that have basic information about the establishments like, type of sector, type of ownership, number of owners by sex, aabout the establishment's book of accounts, etc...
Section 3.1: Employment in the Enterprise
Section 4.1: Salaries, wages, and other benefits paid to the enterprise's employees
Section 4.2: Expenditure on Commodities Purchased for Sale
Section 4.3: Miscellaneous Expenses
section 4.4: Investment by Source of Fund
section 4.5: Payable and Receivable Money
Section 5: Fixed Assets of the Enterprise .
Section 6.Value of Stock
Section 7.1. Sales Revenue
Section 7.2. Miscellaneous Revenue
Section 8: Supplementary Information
Start | End |
2009-04 | 2009-04 |
All CSA Branch Statistical Office were involved in this survey. Accordingly, 25 statisticians from branch offices, 272 field supervising on the average 5 enumerators depending on the extent of the area to be covered and 1007 enumerators (including reserve enumerators) were participated in the survey. Supervisors did the listing and data collection activity in the rural areas.
Method of Data Collection
The distributive trade data for the year 2008/09(2001 E.C) was collected from enterprises in urban centres by interviewing the selected enterprises and recording the data to obtain the required information on activities of distributive trade. The data obtained were recorded in a set of forms designed for this purpose. For this purpose an enumerator was assigned to a randomly selected enumeration area (EA) to list the entire housing units consisting of enterprises and households with the help of an EA map which was prepared for the 2007 Population and Housing Census and later updated to include changes that occurred since the census.
In order to identify the enterprises engaged in distributive trade activity to be surveyed, the following tasks were performed in the order they appear.
i) All housing units (dwelling and non dwelling) were listed.
ii) Among the housing units listed only those conducting distributive trade activity (enterprises) were screened out.
iii) The screened enterprises were then categorized into three groups namely, wholesale trade, retail trade, and Motor vehicles and motorcycles sales and repair.
The reference year for the survey was 2008/09 (2001 E.C) despite the fact that the survey was conducted in April, 2009/10 (2002 E.C).
Editing, Coding and Verification
Statistical data editing plays an important role in ensuring the quality of the collected survey data. It minimizes the effects of errors introduced while collecting data in the field, hence the need for data editing, coding and verification. Although coding and editing are done by the enumerators and supervisors in the field, respectively, verification of this task is also done at the Head Office comprehensively.
An editing, coding and verification instruction manual was prepared and reproduced for this purpose. Then 30 editors-coders and verifiers were trained for one day in editing, coding and verification using the aforementioned manual as a reference and teaching aid. The completed questionnaires were edited, coded and later verified on a 100 % basis before the questionnaires were passed over to the data entry unit. The editing, coding and verification exercise of all questionnaires took 20 days.
Estimation of sampling error can be found in Appendix II of the report.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia | CSA | | |
The Central Statistical Agency (CSA) is committed to achieving excellence in the provision of timely, reliable and affordable official statistics for informed decision making in order to maximize the welfare of all Ethiopians. This is achieved through the collection and analysis of censuses, surveys and the use of administrative data as well as the dissemination a range of statistical products and providing assistance and services to users.
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CSA will release microdata files for use by researchers for scientific research purposes when:
The Director General is satisfied that all reasonable steps have been taken to prevent the identification of individual respondents
The release of the data will substantially enhance the analytic value of the data that have been collected
For all but purely public files, researchers disclose the nature and objectives of their intended research,
It can be demonstrated that there are no credible alternative sources for these data, and
The researchers have signed an appropriate undertaking.
Terms and conditions of use of public data files are the following:
The data and other materials provided by CSA will not be redistributed or sold to other individuals, institutions, or organizations without the written agreement of CSA.
The data will be used for statistical and scientific research purposes only. They will be used solely for reporting of aggregated information, and not for investigation of specific individuals or organizations.
No attempt will be made to re-identify respondents, and no use will be made of the identity of any person or establishment discovered inadvertently. Any such discovery would immediately be reported to the CSA. No attempt will be made to produce links among datasets provided by CSA, or among data from the CSA and other datasets that could identify individuals or organizations.
Any books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, reports, or other publications that employ data obtained from CSA will cite the source of data in accordance with the Citation Requirement provided with each dataset.
An electronic copy of all reports and publications based on the requested data will be sent to CSA. The original collector of the data, CSA, and the relevant funding agencies bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Cost Recovery Policy:
It is the policy of CSA to encourage broad use of its products by making them affordable for users. Accordingly, CSA attempts to ensure that the costs of creating anonymized microdata files are built-in to the survey budget. At the same time, CSA attempts to recover costs associated with the provisions of special services that benefit only a specific group. Information on the price of each dataset is available at CSA website (
"Central Statistical Authority of Ethiopia (CSA), Distributive and Service Trade Survey 2008-2009 (DST 2008), provided by the National Data Archive."
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Data Administrator | Central Statistical Agency | | |
World Bank Microdata Library | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development | Production and documentation of the study |
Accelerated Data Program | International Household Survey network | Review of the metadata |
Version 02 (October 2013). Edited version based on Version 01 DDI (DDI_ETH_2008_DSTS_v01_M) that was done by Central Statistical Agency, Ethiopia and reviewed by Accelerated Data Program, International Household Survey Network.