Literal question
controls the asset--Livestock/poultry (cattle,sheep,chicken,etc)
Interviewer instructions
Interviewers are supposed to carry out the following tasks:
Ø Read all survey materials and understand the contents.
Ø Ensure that all fieldwork materials are brought to field for interviews.
Ø Visit each of the selected households: if you do not get a response at the first visit for any part of the questionnaire, visit the household at least three times at different times and try again. Report all failures to locate respondents to your supervisor. No substitution is allowed.
Ø Carefully complete all relevant parts of the cover page of the questionnaire for each visit.
Ø At the first visit, complete the household part of the questionnaire with the head of household or another knowledgeable adult.
Ø Use the information from the household questionnaire to identify all members aged 7 years and above.
Ø Administer the time use diaries immediately if any of these members are present at the household. If any are absent, ask what will be the best time to find them. Go back at that time to complete the diaries.
Ø Check all the completed questionnaires the same evening after the interview. Write notes about any difficulties you may have had with administering the questionnaires on the back of the questionnaires.
Ø Submit all completed questionnaires to your field supervisor.
Ø Ensure that all questionnaires and other survey materials are kept safe and confidential at all times.