Survey of Access Beneficiary Participation and Accountability under Second Local Government Development Programme 2007
Name | Country code |
Uganda | UGA |
Service Provision Assessments [hh/spa]
The main objective of the survey was to assess beneficiary participation and accountability under LGDP II and provide baseline information for the Local Government Management and Service Delivery Programme (LGMSDP). Specifically, the objectives were to: Collect and establish baseline information from LGDP II beneficiaries on their perception of participation, transparency and accountability, Local Government planning, budgeting and resource allocation for the LGMSDP; Provide information for the assessment of the performance of LGDP II in supporting participation, transparency and accountability, LG planning, budgeting and resource allocation; Provide guidance and specific recommendations on enhancing participation, transparency and accountability of Local Governments in order to inform the design of the successor programme LGMSDP.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Community, household, individual
v1.2: Edited data used for the production of the final report and available for internal use only.
The scope of the Beneficiaries Assessment Survey includes; Awareness about LGDP II , Access to services, Governance, Transparency and accountability, Beneficiary satisfaction, Capacity Building, Household characteristics including socio-economic and demographic information on household members, awareness, participation, facilitation and support with specific emphasis on activities of the LGDP II.
Topic | Vocabulary | URI |
government, political systems and organisations [4.4] | CESSDA | |
Public Sector | World Bank |
National coverage
The survey covered the demand side stakeholders who are principally the beneficiary communities and the supply side stakeholders who include the local governments, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)/Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and the private sector.
Name | Affiliation |
Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) | Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development |
Name | Affiliation |
Ministry of Local Government | Government of Uganda |
Name | Role |
Ministry of Local Government | Funding of the operational cost |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Survey respondents | Community | Provided the required information |
As a first step, a comprehensive list of Enumeration Areas (EAs) comprising the lowest administrative unit (village), from the Uganda Population Census and Housing Census conducted in 2002 was used as the Sampling Frame. The list was not placed in any particular order but was initially divided into three parts corresponding to the three categories: municipalities, old districts and new districts. The number of households at the time of the 2002 Census was cumulated in each of the categories. A sampling interval (k) equal to the cumulative number (N) of households in each category divided by the number (n) of EAs allocated to the category was computed. A random number between 1 and the sampling interval (k) was selected as the random start. The EAs were then selected using Systematic Sampling within each category. The last stage of sampling involved a complete listing of all the households within the village, with the help of the Village council members of the selected EA / Village. The list facilitated random selection of 10 households to be interviewed in each village. Details of the sampling procedure are provided in Annex A of the final report.
The response rate for the survey was 97% represented by a total of 1485 households with complete interviews out of the intended sample of 1500 households.
Weights are available in the hhsection1 and commsec1 datafiles for the household and community respectively. However, they have not been applied. Users who required weighting are advised to merge the corresponding datafiles.
A household questionnaire was administered to the household head or a household member knowledgeable about the affairs of the selected household which collected various information on household members including sex, age, school attendace, and marital status. The household questionnaire also includes awareness of LGDP II activities, beneficiary participation, and facilitation and support modules. Community questionnaires were administered to respondents at community level who were members of the village council executive and other opinion leaders. Qualitative data was also collected through guided consultations with Key Informants at Higher Local Government (HLG) and Lower Local Government (LLG) levels for example, the Chief Administrative Office (CAO), the District Planner, Personnel Officer and Sub-county Chiefs. Guided consultations were also conducted with Administrators of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and private firms involved in the implementation of LGDP II projects. In addition, one Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was held with about 6-15 members in each selected beneficiary community. It was conducted with community members within the area of implementation of the sub-project and the local leaders.
Start | End |
2007-09 | 2007-12 |
Name | Affiliation |
Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) | Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development |
The fieldwork was undertaken by 10 mobile field teams. Each team consisted of one Supervisor, four Interviewers and one Driver. In total, there were 10 Team leaders, 10 Editors, 40 Interviewers and 10 Drivers. Supervision of field work was also supported by a team of four Regional Supervisors and four Senior Supervisors who made spot-checks on the teams during data collection to ensure quality control.
Information was collected at four levels, namely; district, sub-county, community and household. During data collection, the interviewers were facilitated with a list of LGDP II sub-projects which they used to cite examples of projects in order to probe spontaneous responses of respondents. This was done in order to give respondents better focus on the subject of discussion and to reduce non-response due to respondents’ inability to isolate LGDP II projects from other interventions. Citation of examples was mostly done to establish access to and satisfaction with specific LGDP II services. The response rate was high because a call back visit would be arranged whenever no eligible respondents were available in the selected household. However, the maximum number of call back visits before a household was substituted was two (2) due to limited time.
To ensure quality of data, questionnaires were subjected to manual scrutiny by field editors to assess the consistency of the data collected.
Details of the sampling errors are presented in the sampling errors appendix of the report.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) | Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | Before being granted access to the dataset, all users have to formally agree: 1. To make no copies of any files or portions of files to which s/he is granted access except those authorized by the data depositor. 2. Not to use any technique in an attempt to learn the identity of any person, establishment, or sampling unit not identified on public use data files. 3. To hold in strictest confidence the identification of any establishment or individual that may be inadvertently revealed in any documents or discussion, or analysis. Such inadvertent identification revealed in her/his analysis will be immediately brought to the attention of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics. |
The dataset is available as a Public Use Dataset. It is accessible to all for statistical and research purposes only, under the following terms and conditions:
1.The data and other materials will not be redistributed or sold to other individuals, institutions, or organizations without the written agreement of Uganda Bureau of Statistics.
2.The data will be used for statistical and scientific research purposes only. They will be used solely for reporting of aggregated information, and not for investigation of specific individuals or organizations.
3.No attempt will be made to re-identify respondents, and no use will be made of the identity of any person or establishment discovered inadvertently. Any such discovery would immediately be reported to Uganda Bureau of Statistics.
4. No attempt will be made to produce links among datasets provided by Uganda Bureau of Statistics, or among data from Uganda Bureau of Statistics and other datasets that could identify individuals or organizations.
5. Any books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, reports, or other publications that employ data obtained from Uganda Bureau of Statistics will cite the source of data in accordance with the Citation Requirement provided with each dataset.
6. An electronic copy of all reports and publications based on the requested data will be sent to Uganda Bureau of Statistics.
7. The original collector of the data, Uganda Bureau of Statistics, and the relevant funding agencies bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
"Uganda Bureau of Statistics, Assessment of Beneficiary Participation and Accountability under second Local Government Development programme (ABPA 2007), v1.2 of the internal use dataset , provided by the Uganda National Data Archive."
The user of the data acknowledges that the Uganda Bureau of Statistics and the relevant funding agency(ies) bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
(c) 2007, Uganda Bureau of Statistics
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Uganda Bureau of Statistics | Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Planning | | |
World Bank Microdata Library | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Uganda Bureau of Statistics | Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development | Documentation of the survey |
Accelerated Data Program | International Household Survey Network | Review of the metadata |
Version 02 (October 2013). Edited version based on Version 01 (June 2008) DDI that was done by Uganda Bureau of Statistics and reviewed by Accelerated Data Program, International Household Survey Network.