Value |
Category |
1 |
public primary school within 3 km of the village centre |
2 |
private primary school within 3 km of the village centre |
3 |
provision of desks in LGDP II funded schools |
4 |
safe drinking water within 1 km from the village centre |
5 |
clinics, health facilities serving community within 3 kms from the village centre |
6 |
a feeder road within 1 km from the village centre |
7 |
a community access road within 1 km from village centre |
8 |
road repairing and upgrading: fixing of culverts and bridges |
9 |
availability of electricity within LC1 |
10 |
presence of at least 2 outlets/markets to buy agricultural inputs within 5 km |
11 |
presence of at least 2 outlets to sell agricultural inputs within 5 km |
12 |
availability of public latrines within the LC1 |
13 |
availability of street lights within the LC1 |
14 |
availability of garbage skips and bunkers within the LC1 |
15 |
availability of bicycle ambulances within 5km |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.