Question pretext
(1) If yes to QD21
(2) At least one crime committed and at least one reported.
(3) If "Somehow, but not always satisfied" or "No, never satisfied" to QD24
Literal question
For what reason were you dissatisfied? You can give more than one reason
(1) Didn't do enough
(2) Were not interested
(3) Didn't find or apprehend the offender (4) Didn't recover property (goods)
(5) Didn't keep us properly informed
(6) Didn't treat us correctly/were impolite
(7) Insufficient protection from further victimization
(8) Not guaranteeing anonymity
(9) Were slow to arrive
(10) Other reason, specify..............
Value |
Category |
1 |
Yes |
2 |
No |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Interviewer instructions
This section collect data on 8 crimes the establishment could (on not) have been victim of in 2006 (thus, only focusing on crimes that happened between January 1st and 31st December 2006). It also gathers data on the reporting of these crimes to the police or other institutions and the use of weapons and firearms for perpetrating these crimes.