Literal question
In the past 3 days, did you or any of your adult household members aged 15 or more engage in any of the following activities with (name): [D] Took (name) outside the home, compound, yard for a walk?
Interviewer instructions
Circle all that apply and remind the respondent that you are talking about the last 3 days. Read each items shown below aloud. If 'No', circle 'Y' and move to the next item on the list. If 'Yes', ask: "Who engaged in this activity with (name)?"
For each activity, circle the code for every person who engaged in the activity with the child before proceeding to the next item. If someone other than the mother or father engaged in the activity with the child, circle 'X'. If the respondent is the primary caretaker of the child and has engaged in any of these activities, code 'X' should be circled.
Note that in a household where there are no adults other than the child's mother and father, 'X' should not be circled. Adults who are not members of the household but who may have engaged in the listed activities with the child should not be coded here.