Interviewer instructions
If the household is found to have performed any ceremony during the last 30 days, code '1' will be recorded against this item. Otherwise, '2' will be recorded.
Ceremonies are frequently performed to solemnize some events of life such as birth, marriage, etc. There are also rites consequent upon the death of a person. Such ceremonies may be performed by household members as required under the social/religious customs without incurring expenditure for entertaining guests. On the other hand, some households may spend a considerable amount of money for entertaining guests with meals during these occasions. Only the latter type of ceremony, in other words, only those ceremonies on which guests are entertained with meals (not just snacks) will be considered for the purposes of item 15 as ceremonies performed. Even an occasion which is not a traditional occasion for celebration or social gathering will be considered a ceremony if meals are served to a large number of guests by the household.