Interviewer instructions
The number of days for which the member 'stayed away from home' during the 30 days preceding the date of enquiry should be recorded here. A continuous absence from home for 24 hours will be reckoned as a 'day stayed away'. That is, the entry will be made in completed number of days and any fraction of a day will be ignored. The location of the place where the person stayed, having been away from his/her own household, may also be within the same village/town and staying away will not only mean physical absence but also non-participation in food consumption from his/her own household. For example, if a member stayed away for two days, but consumed food prepared at home during these two days, then that member will not be considered for this item as staying away. For members who did not stay away for even 1 day during the last 30 days, 0 will be recorded.