Question pretext
The modules for women of reproductive age are the Women's Information Panel, Child Mortality, Tetanus Toxoid, Maternal and Newborn Health, Contraceptive Use, and a module about HIV and AIDS knowledge. Only a skilled female interviewer should administer these modules. The interviewer should make every attempt to carry out the woman's interview in privacy. Ask all other household members or anyone else who is present (including male members of the survey team) to leave in a courteous manner. If she is a mother, ask the respondent to collect all the birth certificates and health/immunization cards she has for herself and her children before you begin the interview. You will need these when you go on to interview her about herself and her children under age five.
After you complete the household interview, you should have a form for each individual Women's Questionnaire to be filled in. Make sure you fill in the identifying information (Cluster, Household and Individual line number) at the top of every page so that no pages will be lost.