Status of the occupied building:
1. Own, if the residence at the time of enumeration is actually owned by the head of the household or one of the household members. A house purchased by installments through bank's loans or a house with a status of lease purchase is considered one's own.
2. Contract, if the residence is leased by the head or member of the household within a certain period based on a contract agreement between the owner and user, for instance for 1 or 2 years. Payment method is usually a lump sum payment in advance or by installments according to the agreements between the parties. At the end of the agreement term, the lessee must leave the house occupied and in the event agreed mutually by both parties the contract can be extended by entering a new contract agreement.
3. Rent, if the residence is rented by the head of the houseold or one of the household members which rent is paid regularly and continuously without a specific time limit.
4. Free rent, owned by other people, if the residence occupied obtained from other party (not family or parents) and occupied / inhabitated by household without having to make any kind of payment.
5. Service, is the residence is owned and provided by an office/institution/company where the household head/member works, whether by paying rents or not. If the household head/member does not work for the related institution/company, the official residence should be written as leased residence if the household head/member pays rent fee, or free residence if it is for free.
6. Residence owned by parents/children/family, if the residence is not personally owned but belongs to either parents/family/relatives and is free to live in, where the owner of the house does not live there and is not a member of the household.
95. Others, if the residence cannot be included in any of the above categories, such as group owned residence,
custom house.