- The main water source meant here is the most widely used of the villagers for drinking and cooking needs everyday.
- Type of clean water consists of:
a. Regional Water Company (PDAM): water from house connection system provided by PDAM (Regional Water Supply Company). PDAM water is water that is produced through a process of purification and sanitation before it passed to consumers through a channel of water installation. Water source is undertaken by PAM (Drinking Water Company), PDAM (Regional Water Company) or BPAM (Water Supply Management Board), both managed by the government or private.
b. Piping are channeled through yard, is the water through the piping system that is managed by the non-PDAM straight into the yard / home consumers. Managers are people, for example, from BPSAB (Clean Water Management Agency). Consumers can simply take water in his house, get out or in the house as long as in the consumer's home boundaries. Sources of water can come from springs, rivers, lakes or rain water through the piping system and not have to go through processing. Piping system can use iron pipe / galvanized, plastic / rubber hose, PVC / PVC or bamboo.
c. Public taps/ hydrants that water distribution is put together in one location (usually called hydrants) that can be used in general and consumers should take the water in the hydrant. Common source of tap water or public hydrants from non-PDAM (springs, rivers, lakes through rain water piping systems).
d. Wells pump (electric/hand), is the wells which the way water were taken (to raise) by using a pump, either hand pumps or power pumps including artesian wells.
e. Protected wells, is the water that comes from the excavated soil in which the circumference of the well / cistern is protected by a wall of at least 0.8 meters above the ground and 3 feet under the ground, and there was a cement floor as far as 1 meter circle the circumference of the well or cistern.
f. Protected springs, is the source of surface water which is arises by itself. Classified derived from protected springs only if the source of water used comes only from the spring without piping system / pump and without due process of filtration / processing, where residents have to go to the spring to get water.
g. Rainfed water, is water that is obtained by collect rainwater. If the water is collected, filtered, and distributed to homes then the water source is classified into point b.
h. Bottled water, which is all brand and standards, as long as in the form of a sold water after experiencing the processing and packaging both glass, bottle or gallon.
i. Unprotected wells, is the water that comes from the soil were excavated and the wells are unprotected at all by walls, or the wells that do not comply as protected wells.
j. Unprotected springs, the explanation same as f, just that the springs still natural and there has not been a special treatment to protect
k. Water obtained with buying into water traders, ie water purchased by consumers from vendors (selling from door to door) and water were ordered and then delivered to the tank as was done in the area of the chalk / dry areas / regions brackish. Origin of this water could be from anywhere (home sellers, public hydrants, hydrant or private).
l. Surface water (rivers, lakes,), that is, if the water is obtained by taking directly into rivers, lakes, or where no piping / pumps and without due process of filtering / processing.
m. Artesian wells