- Consumption/expenditure on food consumption is the value of expenditures for household consumption in the last one week that comes from purchases, own productions or gifts.
- For food consumption, either the number and its value which were recorded is that really consumed by households during the survey reference period.
- Time reference used is the last week, a day before the interview 7 days backwards.
- Expenditure on food consumption which was included is the expenditure for the needs of all household members, not including expenditures for household business or purposes given to the other party.
- Each food type might come from purchases, own production, or gifts.
- Expenditure on food consumption according to the origin of food:
1. Food consumption from the purchase is food consumed derived from the purchase. Consumption of food / groceries were taken from the stalls / shops owned by the household is considered a purchase.
2. Food consumption derived from own production, ie if the food consumed comes from the household business, including agricultural produce that is not a household business. Examples of agricultural produce that is not a household business such as fruit taken from the yard, consume fowl, etc..
3. Food consumption that comes from gift, includes all consumption were "received" from others for free.
- For household member who were traveling at the time of the interview, spending on consumption still counted. The way by estimating the usual intake or calculated the same as other household member expenses. Estimates of food consumption from household member who traveling is recorded as processed food consumption.