The type of work in question here are:
a. Agricultural labor, is someone who works on another person / employer in the agricultural land
b. Teamster the intended is warehousing of goods teamster, the people who unload cargo and brought it to the barn and commonly known as porters.
c. Traders/merchants is people working in the store that are on the market that are usually visited respondent.
d. Transportation is meant here is the truck driver helper.
e. Building/construction is meant here is the construction workers.
f. Education personnel/administration is meant here is primary level of civil servants.
g. Health personnel/administration is meant here is orderly or nurse of civil servants.
h. Factory worker i.e. workers who worked in the factory
i. Restaurants, hotels is meant here is people who worked in the restaurant
j. Small scale manufacturer i.e. people who work at home scale industries but not the owners.