Value |
Category |
A |
Bank pemerintah |
AB |
AI |
AK |
B |
Bank swasta |
BF |
BI |
BK |
C |
Pegadaian |
D |
Koperasi Unit Desa |
E |
Koperasi lainnya |
EI |
EJ |
EM |
F |
Kelompok simpan pinjam/arisan |
FI |
FK |
FL |
G |
Kelompok usaha/tani/nelayan/lainnya |
GI |
GL |
H |
Rentenir |
HI |
HM |
I |
Teman/keluarga di luar rumah tangga |
IL |
IM |
J |
Dealer |
K |
Lembaga Leasing |
L |
Toko/warung |
LM |
M |
Majikan/Penjual/Tukang kredit |
N |
Program-program pengentasan kemiskinan |
O |
Organisasi/kelompok masyarakat/pemerintah |
U |
Jawaban error |
V |
Lainnya, ______________ |
Z |
.Z |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.