Write down the number of families living in this household.
Households (rt) is a person or group of people living in some or all of the physical building or census, and usually live together and eat from the same kitchen. Households generally consist of a mother, father, children, parents / in-laws, relatives, servants and others. Families living separately in two buildings census, but eats from the kitchen, as long as both are in the same building the same SLS, is considered as one household.
The number of families in the household based on the number of nuclear families (incest) in the household. For the purposes of this survey, the nuclear family (conjugal) plus 1 family (parents or nephew of the head of the family / wife) which live with a nuclear family (incest) is considered one family, but when it is greater than or equal to 2 person family 2 family considered . Fill in the number of families in the box provided.
Pak Bambang lives with his wife, mother-in-law and their children. Mother-in-law eating together with family Pak Bambang. Pak Bambang household is considered one of the family.
Pak Agus lives with his wife, son, father's sister-in-law along with Pak Agus, father and sister eating together with family Pak Agus. Pak Agus households considered 2 family.