Household Socio-Economic Survey, Mitra Samya 2008
Survei Sosial Ekonomi Rumah Tangga, Mitra Samya 2008
Name | Country code |
Indonesia | IDN |
Living Standards Measurement Study [hh/lsms]
The aim of the program is to develop a method for ranking the welfare of the household, using both methods survey and participatory method. The specific purpose of this manual is a ranking of welfare in a participatory manner. Participatory process means the preparation of ranking or rating is determined by community. Community in this regard will be divided into two (2) groups, neighborhood leaders and the entire community. This method is expected to minimize the problems that arise from the less precisely the target of poverty reduction programs forward.
What is the HOUSEHOLD?
It is a person or a group who occupy a part or all of a building house. They usually live together and eat from a kitchen. The definition of “eat from a kitchen” is, the management of day-to-day needs is managed together into a single management and not just the physical kitchen. According to the BPS, if there are 2 or more families in 1 house, but use only 1 kitchen (single kitchen management), it is considered as 1 household. But if there are 2 or more families in 1 household and each have a kitchen, then each considered as a different household. In the context of this research, the restrictions above will be used during the process in the field.
Poverty is not a simple matter. He is not only related to income. Poverty is associated as well to the lack of fundamental rights to develop and maintain a more dignified life. One of the basic rights of poor people in inherent rights is to have the human value, to be audible voice. Even when defining the "poor", they must be given space to define their poverty with their own perspective and mind.
On the other hand, some of the various poverty reduction programs that have been done in Indonesia, were not exactly targeted, so that often raise conflicts among people, and between communities with the government. Incomplete data and wrong targeting people suspected as some of the causes of these problems. So they who should be the target and get the help do not receive it, and vice versa, they who had not been feasible receive the donation.
Targeting becomes priority for programs of social assistance for poor families. In order to provide better targeting results, it needs to search a better indicator or the effective method to improve the identification of the target households who are feasible for various assistance programs that will be implemented in the future period. This activity is called then the Determination of the Household Welfare Ranking 2008 (P2K08).
This method namely the Determination of the households Welfare Ranking 2008 (P2K08) from the most insecure to the most secure combines participatory approaches and statistical test. District, city and village and village elected in the application of this method are determined randomly.
Sample survey data
The unit of analysis is the community leader or all citizens
v01: basic raw data. Obtained from Survey Meter
Data Household Socioeconomic Survey of Indonesia - Mitra Samya (Idn) also known as SUSETI (Survai Sosial Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Indonesia) - Mitra Samya
There are 2 groups of participants into a discussion meeting P2K. Then it should be ensured whether this Neighborhood is a sample for a discussion with the Neighborhood leaders OR the entire community. Ensuring the schedule would be in the afternoon, or evening or night. Inviting Village Head/Chairman of the Neighborhood /Head of the circle of the neighborhood to prepare an invitation strategy, especially to choose the meeting location where should bring all citizens.
Coverage provincial representative to the level of the village / district.
This survey covers the whole village / district.
Name |
Survey Meter |
There will be 12 district cities in 3 provinces where will be carried out Determination of Prosperity Program Rank (P3K), namely North Sumatra, Central Java and South Sulawesi.
BPS will perform the survey in 209 villages of 640 villages. It will be 431 villages that carried out participatory approach, namely 214 villages perform the Community method and 217 villages perform the Hybrida method.
From the total villages that will be done by the participatory method is a combination of ranking the 50% by the figures of RT and 50% by the entire community, 50% done in the afternoon and 50% at evening. There will be 50% of regional discussions on the 10 Poorest Household & 50% No discussion 10 Poorest Households at a meeting of residents in the community.
In every village it will be conducted at 1 RT / village/ circle of the neighborhood and depends on the region. From District to Sub-district election to the Village conducted randomly by the Central Team. While RT / village/ circle of the neighborhood randomly selected by the previous team together with theVillage officials. Each Facilitator will facilitate in the 11-12 RT / village/ circle of the neighborhood.
Start | End | Cycle |
2009-02-06 | 2009-02-28 | 1 |
Name |
Survey Meter |
Name | URL | |
Survey Meter | | |
Data is available at an external source. Please contact survey meter for more information on the data requests.
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Data users claim that the data producer, the official distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agencies are not responsible for the use of data, interpretation, or conclusion based on the use of data.
Name | |
Survey Meter | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Ayu Harlinah | World Bank | Data Cataloging Staff |
Version 02 (December 2013). Edited version based on Version 01 (Initial version of DDI documentation - January 2013) DDI (DDI_IDN_2008_SUSETI_MITRA_SAMYA_v01_M) that was done by Ayu Harlinah (The World Bank).