A market with a permanent or semi permanent building is a market with concrete or tiled floors, iron or wooden pillars, a roof made of corrugated aluminum sheets, roof tiles or wooden slates, and it can either have walls or not. Disregarding whether it is busy or not.
A market without a permanent building (does not include sidewalk vendors) is a market that has a non-permanent building such as a building made of bamboo, leaves and others.
A group of shops is a grouping of at least 10 shops. In one group of shops there can be more than one physical building e.g. Pasar Baru or Senen shop groups.
Production tools kiosk is a place that sells fertilizer, seedlings, etc for the needs of food crop, plantation, livestock and fishery. If a kiosk sells more than one type of production tool, then each production tool is calculated separately and filled in based on the ownership (KUD or non-KUD).
KUD Warehouse is a building owned by KUD and functions as a storage for agricultural products.
Other public warehouses are buildings owned by an individual/government that functions as a place to store the agricultural products that can be used by the public.
Drying floor/concrete is a place used for drying agricultural products. The drying floor is permanent and is usually made of cement.