Wet land is farmland checkered and bordered by dikes (galengan), the channel to hold / distribute water, usually planted with rice, including wetlands regardless of where the land is acquired or status. Included here are listed in the Tax field of Natural Resources, Regional Development Contribution, crooked land, serobotan land, swamp land planted with rice and opening new lands (transmigration and so on).
Berpengairan cultivated wetland Wetland Berpengairan berpengairan consists of lowland wetland berpengairan technical and non-technical. No technical Berpengairan 2: 1. technical berpengairan and 2. half technical. While the non-technical berpengairan consists simple berpengairan PU and non-PU berpengairan sederhanan.
Cultivated land is still used for activities from planting to harvesting.
Wetland Technical Berpengairan consists of lowland wetland berpengairan berpengairan technical and semi-technical.
1. Technical Berpengairan Wetland is a wetland irrigation of obtaining technical irrigation networks where channels are separated from the channel provider waster supply and distribution of irrigation that can be fully adjusted easily. Such a network typically consists of a primary channel (master) and secondary as well as tertiary, where the primary and secondary channels as well as the building is built and maintained by the irrigation department / government.
2. Half Berpengairan Wetland Technical is a gain of wetland water from irrigation at the technical as well as technical irrigation, but in this case the irrigation department / government building only master tappers to be able to organize and measure the water intake, whereas the subsequent network is not regulated and not dominated by the Irrigation Department / Government.
Non-Technical Berpengairan Wetland consists of simple PU berpengairan wetland and non-wetland simple berpengairan PU
1. Simple PU Berpengairan Wetland is a wetland obtain irrigation water from the water distribution system is not regularly though the government (PU) has helped build part of the network (eg, the cost of creating irrigation channels).
2. Wetland Berpengairan Simple Non PU is a gain of wetland drainage of irrigation systems managed by the public without the intervention of PU.
Paddy field cultivated berpengairan not consist of:
1. Rainfed areas of wetland irrigation is dependent on rain water (do not have irrigation systems).
2. Tidal wetland is a wetland which irrigation depends on rivers that are affected by the ebb and flow of sea water.
3. Polder land is a wetland that existed at the river delta irrigation influenced by the river water.
4. Land is swampy wetland irrigation from reclaimed swamp valley (not tidal).
5. Swamp land is usually cultivated paddy land and irrigation comes from the seepage swamps.
While Not Cultivated Wetland is a wetland because of certain reasons such as no power or controlled by the other party for more than 1 year and less than 2 years is not cultivated for agriculture. If the land is not cultivated (not planted seasonal crops) over 2 years is not considered a wetland and put into dry land.