Forest areas is a certain areas that are designated and approved by the government or to its existence as permanent forest.
Forest areas are distinguished:
1. Production forests which is forests that have a principal function producing forest products. Permanent Production Forest (HP), Limited Production Forest (HPT), and conversion forest (HPK).
2. Protected forests which is forests that have the principal function of protection / life support system to regulate water use system, prevent flooding, control erosion, prevent water entrusi sea, and maintaining soil fertility.
3. Forest conservation is a forest area with certain characteristics that have the principal function preservation, diversity of plants, animals, and ecosystems.
4. Asylum forest is a forest with a certain characteristic that has the principal function as a regional preservation of flora and fauna and the ecosystem that also a function of life support systems area. Included in This group is a Nature Reserve (CA) and Wildlife (SM).
5. Forest conservation is a forest area with certain characteristics that have the principal function of protection, life support systems, as well as the utilization of sustainable, natural resources and ecosystems. Included in This group is a National Park (TN), Forest Park (Tahura), and Nature Park (TWA).
Forests that covered the details of This include mangrove forests.
1). In the forest is the village / villages that located in the middle of the forest or surrounded
2). The edge of the forest is the village / village that is located on the edge, or on the edge of the forest, or adjacent to forests.
3). Outside the forest is the village / villages that are not directly adjacent to the forest.