These details are intended to gather information on the level of criminality villages / wards. Questions to be asked is the type of crime and crime trends last year compared to the last year. Among the types of crime that is also the case that most much / often.
1. Theft divided into two ordinary theft and theft by weighting
a. Ordinary theft is taking goods or people's money without the knowledge and permission of the owner against the law.
b. Theft is the act of taking the weighting of goods or livestock animal does not belong with the intent to have the fight right. These crimes include;
???? Theft of all kinds of ruminant animals (buffalo, cow, goat), single-hoofed animals (horses, donkeys) and pigs;
???? Theft committed at night in a house or around the yard;
???? Theft committed by someone in a way to disassemble, break, climb, or by using false keys, fraudulent orders, garment or false position in order to get into the victim's residence.
Also included in this category is the damage done by pickpocketing the bag / pouch victims.
2. Robbery with violence or theft is theft of goods or livestock that preceded, accompanied, followed by violence or threats of violence against the person, with the intent to prepare or facilitate the theft, facilitate / provide an opportunity to escape or if the perpetrator caught (caught), so that goods were stolen remain in the hands of the perpetrator.
3. Looting is theft during a fire, flood, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, shipwrecks, stranded ship, train accidents, riots, rebellion or misery in wartime.
4. Persecution is a deliberate act to cause damage to the health of others, ranging from the not pose an obstacle for victims, injuries / disabilities, or become ill and unable to perform daily activities perfectly.
5. Arson is the act of intentionally burning something, such as houses, cars and boats, which can be dangerous for goods, persons or entities other people.
6. Rape
7. Drug abuse is the act of abusing or taking drugs for pleasure.
8. Illicit drug trafficking is the act of selling drugs in exchange for money or goods.
9. Murder
10. Sale of children
11. Other acts which are not included above.