Forest conservation is a forest area with certain characteristics, which has the principal function of preserving the diversity of flora and fauna and the ecosystem.
Conservation forests consist of:
a) Nature Reserve Area (KSA) is the hallmark of a particular region, both on land and in the waters that has the principal function as a preservation area of plant and animal diversity and the ecosystem, which also serves as an area of life support systems. This area is a Nature Reserve (CA) and Wildlife (SM).
b) Conservation Areas (KPA) is the area with certain characteristics both on land and in the waters that has the principal function of the protection of life support systems, the preservation of plant and animal species diversity and the sustainable utilization of natural resources and ecosystems. This area is a National Park (TN), Forest Park (Tahura), and Nature Park (TWA).
c) Hunting Park (TB) is defined as a forest hunting sights.
Protected forest is forest that has the principal function as protection for the life support system regulates the water, preventing floods, controlling erosion, preventing sea water intrusion, and maintaining soil fertility.
Production forest is a forest area that has the principal function of producing forest products. Production forest consists of Permanent Production Forest (HP), Limited Production Forest (HPT), and Convertible production forest (HPK).
Location of villages / urban to forest area can be divided into three kinds, namely:
1. In the forest area is rural / village that is located in the middle or surrounded by forests, including the enclave villages. Enclave is the ownership rights of a third party in the forest area which can be either or settlements and arable land.
2. On the edge / forest areas are rural / urban neighborhoods directly adjacent to the forest, or some parts of the village is inside the forest area.
3. Outside the forest area is rural / village is not directly adjacent to the forest.