Value |
Category |
201 |
Beds |
202 |
Tables, chairs sofas |
203 |
Cupboard |
204 |
Dining room suite |
205 |
Lounge suite |
206 |
Desks and sideboards |
207 |
Stools and benches |
208 |
Other (Specified) |
209 |
Repair of furniture |
210 |
Mats and rugs |
211 |
Bed sheets |
212 |
Blankets |
213 |
Towels |
214 |
Curtains |
215 |
Table cloth, napkins/serviettes |
216 |
Other textiles |
217 |
Repair of textiles |
218 |
Carpets |
219 |
Baskets, ashtrays, laundry bags |
220 |
Flower posts, plants boxes |
221 |
Flowers, flower pots |
222 |
Repair of furnishings |
223 |
Lamps, pictures |
224 |
Other furnishings |
225 |
Steam rice cooker |
226 |
Electric rice cooker |
227 |
Electric water cooker |
228 |
Rice basket |
229 |
Bucket |
230 |
Stove with or without oven (gas or electric) |
231 |
Refrigerator/deep freezer |
232 |
Iron (electric, non-electric) |
233 |
Air conditioner |
234 |
Electric fan |
235 |
Sewing machine |
236 |
Washing machine |
237 |
Other household appliances |
238 |
Repair of household appliances |
239 |
Cutlery (knives, spoons, forks, etc.) |
240 |
Glassware (glasses, glass bowls, etc.) |
241 |
Plates and cups |
242 |
Tea set |
243 |
Dinner set |
244 |
Other glassware |
245 |
Tools for gardening |
246 |
Other tools |
247 |
Repair of utensils |
248 |
Bulbs |
249 |
Candles |
250 |
Torches |
251 |
Mops and brushes |
252 |
Matches |
253 |
Needles and pins |
254 |
Polish (furniture, floor, metal) |
255 |
Shoe brush and polish |
256 |
Soap laundry |
257 |
Batteries |
258 |
Hire of furniture and household equipment |
259 |
Other household goods |
260 |
Domestic wages in kind |
261 |
Domestic wages in cash |
262 |
Other household services |
263 |
Medicines |
264 |
Therapeutic appliances and equipment |
265 |
Payment for hospital services medical aid, fees |
266 |
Non-hospital and paramedical services |
267 |
Sickness and accident insurance services |
268 |
Other expenses for health care |
269 |
Motor cars and vans |
270 |
Motor cycles |
271 |
Bicycles |
272 |
Other transportation |
273 |
Tyres and tubes |
274 |
Parts and accessories incl. car batteries |
275 |
Repair charges |
276 |
Gasoline, petrol |
277 |
Diesel oil |
278 |
Other oil and greases |
279 |
Servicing |
280 |
Miscellaneous charges |
281 |
Fares on buses (excl. school bus fares) |
282 |
Fares on taxis and tuc tuc |
283 |
Fares on boats |
284 |
Tickets on domestic airlines |
285 |
Tickets on international airlines |
286 |
Transport charges of goods |
287 |
Other transport charges |
288 |
Postal service charges |
289 |
Telephone charges (fixed lines) |
290 |
Mobile phone charges |
291 |
Telegraph and telex |
292 |
Radio or radio cassettes, VCD-, DVD-players |
293 |
Television set |
294 |
Parabola antenna |
295 |
Video recorder |
296 |
Cameras |
297 |
Musical instrument |
298 |
Cellular phone, handsets |
299 |
Telephone sets |
300 |
Computers |
301 |
Repair of such items |
303 |
Other equipment |
304 |
Parts and accessories of recreational goods |
305 |
Repair of recreational goods |
306 |
Cinema/theatre tickets |
307 |
Lessons on sports and others |
308 |
Lottery |
309 |
Hire of video tapes |
310 |
Veterinary and other services for pets |
311 |
Traditional ceremonies |
312 |
Other expenditure on recreation and cultural activities |
313 |
Books |
314 |
Magazines, journals and newspaper |
315 |
Pen and pencils |
316 |
Other stationery |
317 |
Costs for packages tours |
318 |
Tuition fees (excl. of payments for food, beverage, shelter) |
319 |
Teachers association fee or levy |
320 |
School uniform (incl. shoes) |
321 |
School sports wear |
322 |
Stationery for school |
323 |
Border fees |
324 |
Passport fees |
325 |
Contribution to schools in cash |
326 |
Contributions to schools in kind |
327 |
Other expenditure on education |
328 |
Catering, sit-down meals |
329 |
Take away food |
330 |
Expenditure in hotels |
331 |
Services of barber shops/hair dressers |
332 |
Services of beauty shops, massages, etc. |
333 |
Toilet soap |
334 |
Shampoo |
335 |
Toilet paper |
336 |
Baby diapers |
337 |
Skin cream |
338 |
Tooth brush |
339 |
Tooth paste |
340 |
Powder, perfume |
341 |
Other toilet articles |
342 |
Watches |
343 |
Jewelry, rings, precious stones |
344 |
Repaired of such items 342-343 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.