Value |
Category |
1 |
Food |
2 |
School education (text books, fees, uniform, etc) |
3 |
Religious eduation (madrasa,duksi etc) |
4 |
Health care |
5 |
Clothing/shoes (not school uniform) |
6 |
Savings (in cash) |
7 |
Merry-go-round or community savings scheme (group saving) |
8 |
Livestock |
9 |
Other livestock inputs (eg animal health drugs, fodder, water etc) |
10 |
Setting up small business (e.g. kiosk) |
11 |
Agricultural production items (seeds, fertiliser etc.) |
12 |
Farm tools or other livelihood assets (e.g. fishing nets) |
13 |
Gift to other household (friends/family) |
14 |
Gift to other households (not friends or family) |
15 |
Loan to other households (friends/family) |
16 |
Loan to other households (not friends or family) |
17 |
Paying off debts |
18 |
Petrol / fuel |
19 |
Firewood / charcoal |
20 |
Water for household consumption (not livestock) |
21 |
Soap (includes laundry soap) |
22 |
Other hh items not listed elsewhere (eg. mats or utensils) |
23 |
Lighting fuel (batteries, kerosene) |
24 |
Building a toilet |
25 |
Transport |
26 |
Buying land |
27 |
Land related investments (fencing, tree planting, hedges etc) |
28 |
Obligatory payment to other household (friends/family) |
29 |
Obligatory payment to other households (not friends or family) |
30 |
Shelter and accommodation (including building materials) |
32 |
Dowry |
97 |
Other spending, specify: |
99 |
Don't know/can't say |
100 |
N/A |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.