Interviewer instructions
Only 1 box should be marked
This question refers to the type of living quarters this household are living in. The answers are provided as shown: Also in this case, you can use your observation to confirm the answers that are provided.
The following clarifications apply to the above categories 1 to 7:
Category 1: "A one family house detached from any other house", is a dwelling for a single household. It is not joined to any other dwelling by one or more walls and is not in a building used also as a shop or a factory.
Category 2: "A one family house attached to one or more houses", is a dwelling, which shares a common wall with one or two other dwellings.
Category 3: "A building consisting of two or more apartments", may be a block of flats, an apartment building or a set of town houses.
- Category 4: "A building with two or more households which shares a kitchen or toilet" is self-explanatory.
Category 5: "A dwelling attached to a shop or other non-residential building".
Households sometimes live in dwellings above their shops or dwellings attached to factories or workshops.
Category 6: "A lodging house" is like a hostel where people either share rooms or have separate rooms but share either cooking or washing facilities.