Interviewer instructions
5.3.13 Items 17 and 18: Use of hired labour: Against these two items information relating to the use of hired labour by the household for crop production or any other enterprises will recorded in terms of the specified codes, which are:
For item 17: hires labour:
Regularly 1
During peak seasons only 2
Casually 3
Hires no labour for crop production 4
No crop production 5
For item 18: hires labour:
Regularly 1
During peak seasons only 2
Casually 3
Address no labour for other productive enterprises 4
No other productive enterprises 5
To illustrate, if a household engaged hired labour regularly for crop production, code 1 will be recorded against item 17. If labour is hired only during peak seasons, code 2 will be recorded. On the other hand, if use of hired labour is only casual, code 3 and practically nil, code 4 will be recorded. If the household is not engaged in crop production activities, code 5 will be recorded against item 17. Similar information relating to use of hired labour in enterprises [other] than crop production will be recorded against item 18. The information to be collected against these items will relate to the pattern followed by the sample household during the 365 days preceding the date of survey.