Literal question
[6] Usual activity and migration particulars
1. Serial number as in section 4 ____
Principal usual activity
[Questions 2-6.]
2. Status:
[] 11 Worked in household enterprise (self-employed)
[] 21 Worked as helper in household enterprise
[] 31 Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour in public works
[] 51 Worked as casual wage labour in other types of work
[] 81 Did not work but was seeking and/or available for work
[] 91 Attended educational institutions
[] 92 Attended domestic duties only
[] 93 Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods (vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed etc.) sewing, tailoring, weaving etc., for household use
[] 94 Rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipients etc.
[] 95 Not able to work due to disability
[] 96 Beggars, prostitutes, etc.
[] 97 Others
Interviewer instructions
5.6.2 Column (2): Principal usual activity status: Usual activity status of a person will be determined on the basis of the various activities pursued by the person during the reference period of 365 days adopting 'relatively long time (or major time)' criterion. As mentioned earlier, the activities are grouped into, three major categories -- 'working', 'not working but seeking and /or available for work' and 'neither working nor available for work'. For determining the 'usual activity status' of a person, he or she has to be first classified into any one of the above three broad category groups on the basis of the time spent on them during the reference period of 365 days. Thus, the broad activity status of a person will be the one out of the three, 'working', 'available for work', 'neither working nor available for work', on which the person spent relatively long period during the 365 days. In deciding this, one should consider only the normal working time available for pursuing the various activities and not 24 hours of each day. After deciding the broad usual status of the person, the detailed activity, status within the broad group will be determined adopting again the 'relatively long' or 'major time' criterion. The detailed activity status, thus determined, will be the principal usual activity status of the person. The code corresponding to this activity status will be recorded in column (2). To elucidate, consider the following example.
[A table has been omitted.]
In the first case, relatively long time has been spent on employment and therefore, he has been categorized as usually employed. Using the same 'time spent criterion, 'b and c have been categorized as 'unemployed' and 'not in labour force' respectively. If A, out of the 5 months, was 'self-employed' for 3 months and worked as 'casual labour' for 2 months, his principal usual activity status would be 'self-employment' (i.e., code 11). It may be noted that if a person found to be engaged in domestic duties for a respectively long period of the reference period of 365 days is also reported to be simultaneously seeking/available for work, the person should be categorized as 'unemployed' and not as 'engaged in domestic duties'.