Literal question
7. Whether engaged in any work in a subsidiary capacity?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
For code 1 in question 7, subsidiary gainful activity
[Questions 8-12 were asked of persons who engaged in any work in a subsidiary capacity, per question 7.]
8. Status:
[] 11 Worked in household enterprise (self-employed)
[] 21 Worked as helper in household enterprise
[] 31 Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour in public works
[] 51 Worked as casual wage labour in other types of work
[] 81 Did not work but was seeking and/or available for work
[] 91 Attended educational institutions
[] 92 Attended domestic duties only
[] 93 Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods (vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed etc.) sewing, tailoring, weaving etc., for household use
[] 94 Rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipients etc.
[] 95 Not able to work due to disability
[] 96 Beggars, prostitutes, etc.
[] 97 Others
Interviewer instructions
5.6.5 Column (7): Whether engaged in any work in a subsidiary capacity: For each person listed in this block, it has to be ascertained whether he or she worked in a subsidiary capacity during the 365 days preceding the date of survey or not in other words, he or she had a subsidiary gainful usual status. This has to be ascertained for all the broad categories of persons initially classifies as 'employed', 'unemployed' and 'not in labour force' and coded accordingly in column (2) of the block. To illustrate, a person categorized as working and assigned the principal usual activity status as 'self-employed' may also be engaged for a relatively minor time during the year as casual wage labour as in the case of 'A' in the example cited on page 117 (paragraph 5.6.2). In such a case, he will be considered to have worked also in a subsidiary capacity (i.e., having a subsidiary gainful status which is different from the principal gainful status. (On the other hand, a person may be self-employed in trade for a relatively longer period and simultaneously also engaged in agricultural production for a relatively minor time. In such case, the principal usual activity status will be self-employed in trade and subsidiary gainful status, self-employed in agricultural). Similarly, persons categorized as 'unemployed' or 'not in labour force' on the basis of relatively long time' criterion might have pursued some gainful activity for relatively minor time during the year as in the cases of B and C in the example cited in page 117 (paragraph 5.6.2). In all the above cases, they will be treated to have had subsidiary gainful usual status and code 1 will be recorded for them in column (7). For persons who had not pursued any gainful activity in the subsidiary capacity, code 2 will be recorded. It may be noted that engagement in work in subsidiary capacity may arise out of two situations -- (i) 3 person may be engaged in a relatively long period during the 365 days in one gainful activity/non-gainful activity and for a relatively minor period in another gainful activity/gainful activity, (ii) a person may be pursuing one gainful activity/non-gainful activity almost throughout the year in the principal status and also simultaneously pursuing another gainful activity/gainful activity for relatively shorter time in a subsidiary capacity.
5.6.6 Columns (8) and (9): Subsidiary gainful activity status and industry division: For persons having code 1 in column (7), the 'status' codes of the gainful activities pursued by them in their subsidiary capacity will be recorded in column (8) and the corresponding 'industry division' codes will be recorded in column (9). In the situation when a person has been found to have pursued more than one gainful activity during the last 365 days in his or her subsidiary capacity, the activity on which more time had been spent would be considered for recording the entries in these columns.