Place of work:
It refers to the working place of the employed person and the last working place of the unemployed ever worked person. Place of work is classified as follows:
1.At home: It applies if the employee works inside his housing unit. However, it does not apply to cases in which a grocery with its own door (for instance) is close to the housing unit. In this case, the place of work is considered in the same locality.
2.In the same locality: It applies if the employee works inside his locality.
3.In the same governorate: It applies if the employee works in one of the localities belonging to the same governorate.
4.In other governorate: It applies if the employee works in one of the localities belonging to a different governorate.
5.In Israel: It applies if the employee works in the Palestinian Territory occupied by Israel in 1948.
6.In Settlements: It applies if the employee works in one of the Israeli settlements established in parts of the Palestinian Territory occupied in 1967.
Abroad: It applies if the employee works in another country outside the Palestinian Territory
The PHC-2007 covered all individuals who were in the Palestinian Territory on the census reference night (30/11-1/12/2007) regardless of nationality and citizenship. It also covered all Palestinians who have usual residence in the Palestinian Territory (including those who were temporarily absent for less than one year for the purpose of visit, tourism, treatment, etc. while their households are still living at their permanent places of residence in the Palestinian Territory). All Palestinian students abroad while their households are still living at their permanent places of residence were also included, in addition to all prisoners and detainees in the Israeli jails regardless of the duration of detention. The census excluded all Palestinians holding identity cards who were absent for more than one year (except for the students), even if their households are still living in their places of residence in the Palestinian Territory