Literal question
[7.1] Follow-up questions on availability for work to persons working in the usual principal or subsidiary status (activity - I) (i.e. those with codes 11-51 either in question 3 of section 5.1 or section 5.2)
[Questions 1-13 were asked of persons who worked, per question 3 of section 5.1 or section 5.2.]
6. Whether worked more or less regularly during last 365 days:
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Interviewer instructions Column (6): Whether worked more or less regularly during last 365 days (1 Yes, 2 No): According to the principal usual status approach, the broad activities category has been determined on the basis of the major time criterion. Thus, the persons who are 'employed' in their principal status may or may not be employed throughout the last 365 days. By virtue of the procedure adopted for classification of activity statuses it is possible that some of them were not employed for considerable length of time. In the case of those who were employed only in the subsidiary status this will be the situation most often. Thus, this item will be filled in for both principal and subsidiary status employed. Those who have worked more or less regularly during the reference year will be given code 1. Others will be given code 2.