Interviewer instructions Column (7): Whether engaged in any work in a subsidiary capacity (1 yes, 2 no): For each member of the household listed in this block, it has to be ascertained whether he/she worked in a subsidiary capacity during the 365 days preceding the date of survey or in other words if he had any subsidiary economic status. Code 1 or 2 will be recorded accordingly. The identification of those working in a subsidiary capacity will be done as follows. To illustrate:
(i) A person categorised as working and assigned the principal usual activity status as own account worker may also be engaged for a relatively minor time during the reference year as casual wage labour (as in the case of 'A' quoted earlier). In such a case, he will be considered to have worked also in a subsidiary capacity i.e. having a subsidiary economic status which is different from the principal economic status. A person may be own account worker in trade for a relatively longer period and simultaneously also engaged in agricultural production for a relatively minor time. In such cases, the principal usual status will be own account worker in trade and subsidiary economic status - own account worker in agriculture.
(ii) Similarly, persons categorised as 'unemployed' or 'not in labour force' on the basis of relatively long time criterion might have pursued some economic activity for relatively minor time during the year (as in the case of 'B', 'D' and 'G' quoted earlier). In such cases, they will be treated as having subsidiary economic status and code 1 will be recorded in column (7).
It may be noted that engagement in work in subsidiary capacity may arise out of two situations: (i) a person may be engaged in a relatively long period during the 365 days in economic (non-economic activity) and for a relatively minor period in another economic activity (any economic activity), (ii) a person may be pursuing an economic activity (non-economic activity) almost throughout the year in the principal status and also simultaneously pursuing another economic activity (any economic activity) for relatively shorter time in a subsidiary capacity.