Literal question
20. Status:
[] 11 Worked in household enterprise (self-employed): own account worker
[] 12 Worked in household enterprise (self-employed): employer
[] 21 Worked as a helper in household enterprise (unpaid family worker)
[] 31 Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
[] 41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works
[] 51 Worked as casual wage labour: in other types of work
[] 61 Had worked in household enterprise but did not work due to sickness
[] 62 Had worked in household enterprise but did not work due to other reasons
[] 71 Had regular salaried/wage employment but did not work due to sickness
[] 72 Had regular salaried/wage employment but did not work due to other reasons
[] 81 Sought work
[] 82 Did not seek but was available for work
[] 91 Attended educational institution
[] 92 Attended domestic duties only
[] 93 Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods (vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle feed etc.) sewing, tailoring, weaving etc., for household use
[] 94 Rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipients etc.
[] 95 Not able to work due to disability
[] 96 Beggars, prostitutes
[] 97 Others
[] 98 Did not work due to temporary sickness (for casual workers only)
Interviewer instructions Column (4): Status: The current activity 'status' codes corresponding to the serial number of activity entered in column (3) will be recorded in this column. The status codes which will be used in recording daily activity particulars and the weekly activity particulars are as follows:
Situation of working or being engaged in economic activities (employed)
11 Worked in hh. enterprise (self-employed) as own account worker
12 Worked in hh. enterprise (self-employed) as employer
21 Worked as helper in hh. enterprises (unpaid family worker)
31 Worked as regular salaried/wage employee
41 Worked as casual wage labour: in public works
51 Worked as casual wage labour in other types of work
61 Had work in household enterprise but did not work due to sickness
62 Had work in household enterprise but did not work due to other reasons
71 Had regular salaried/wage employment but did not work due to sickness
72 Had regular salaried/wage employment but did not work due to other reasons
Situation of being not engaged in work but available for work (unemployed)
81 Sought work
82 Did not seek but was available for work
Situation of being not available for work (not in labour force)
91 Attended educational institutions
92 Attended domestic duties only
93 Attended domestic duties and was also engaged in free collection of goods (vegetables, roots, firewood, cattle-feed etc.) sewing, tailoring, weaving etc. for household use
94 Rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipient, etc.
95 Not able to work due to disability
96 Beggars, prostitutes
97 Others
98 Did not work due to sickness (for casual workers only)
These are same as the usual status codes except that codes 61, 62, 71, 72, 82 and 98 are not applicable for usual status and code 81 is used to indicate both the situations of seeking and being available for work. Further, the current weekly activity status for each individual will be identified based on the daily activity status codes. The procedure for doing this will be explained later in this chapter. The following paragraphs describe in details the procedure to be followed in making entries in each of the columns.
Although it may be theoretically possible that on a particular day of the reference week, a person may have any number of activities, the particulars relating to two activities identified on the basis of priority cum major time criterion need only be considered for making entries in this column. Thus, on a day, a person may either have only one activity with 'full' intensity or two activities with 'half' intensity for each. If the activity is pursued with intensity 'half' on a particular day, the entry will be 0.5 against that activity and if that is pursued with intensity more than half, 1.0 will be recorded against that activity in the relevant columns (7) - (13). Generally, an activity which is pursued for more than 1 hour but less than 4 hours is considered to have been pursued with half intensity. If it is pursued for more than 4 hours, the activity is considered to have been pursued with full intensity. However, for some persons, less than four hours of work daily is their normal working hours for the work or profession. In such cases he will be considered to have worked with full intensity. The decision whether the intensity to be recorded for an activity will be 0.5 or 1.0 has to be taken by the investigating staff making careful probes into the actual situation obtaining for the person on a particular day. Mere declaration made by the informants, that less than four hours of work daily is their normal working hours for the work or profession, should not be the basis for recording the intensity as 1.0. In the case of a cultivator, a village artisan or a small trader, it should not be presumed that a few hours on a day, say during the lean periods of the year is their normal work, and the intensity 1.0 need not necessarily be recorded for them. Since the particular block of the schedule is meant for recording the information on periodical or seasonal under-utilisation of available labour time, careful probes about the nature of work performed by a person during the day has to be made before recording the relevant entries. To illustrate, in so far as the daily activity pattern of a person is concerned, the following seven different situations can be visualised:
(i) on a single day a person may be engaged fully in one economic activity;
(ii) on a single day a person may be engaged in two different types of economic activities;
(iii) on a single day a person may be partly engaged in economic activity and for the rest of the time he may be seeking or available for work and at the same time may or may not be engaged in some non-economic activities;
(iv) on a single day a person may be partly engaged in economic activity and during the rest
of the time he may not be available for work for the whole day and at the same time may or may not be doing some non-economic activities;
(v) on a single day a person may be available for work for the entire day;
(vi) on a single day a person may be available for work for part of the day and for the remaining part he may not be available for work and may be pursuing some non-economic activity and
(vii) on a single day a person may be fully engaged in non-economic activities.
Which of the status codes are to be entered in column (4) will depend on whichever of the above situations are obtaining for a person on the different days of the reference week. The investigator is to first ascertain the exact situation from the informant and will record the appropriate status code or codes, as the case may be, in this column using the priority-cum-major time criterion. The relevant codes to be used for recording the status are already given. In case more than one 'non-economic activity status' (codes 91-98) are assignable to a person, in view of the typical activity pattern followed by him/her during the reference period, the activity which appears first in the code list in the ascending order starting from 91 will be assigned. But it may be noted that a person engaged in 'domestic duties' should not be classified as 'student' simply because he/she was attending some training. Similarly, a disabled person who was a recipient of regular pensions, remittances, etc. should be classified as 'rentiers, pensioners, remittance recipients, etc.' (code 94) and not as the category 'not able to work due to disability' (code 95). The following illustrations may be noted for general guidance.
(a) A person found to be engaged in domestic duties should not be categorised 'engaged in domestic duties' (code 92) if the person reports that he/she has also been available for work concurrently.
(b) A person engaged in regular wage/salaried employment but currently not at work will be assigned code 71 or 72 irrespective of whether he is engaged in any other 'economic or non-economic' activity.
(c) Unpaid apprentices will be treated as 'students' while paid apprentices will be treated as employees.
(d) 'Free collection for sale' will be treated as self- employment.