Literal question
8. Educational standard - technical:
[] 1 No technical education
[] 2 Technical degree in agriculture/engineering/technology/medicine, etc.
[] 3 Diploma or certificate in agriculture
[] 4 Diploma or certificate in engineering/technology
[] 5 Diploma or certificate in medicine
[] 6 Diploma or certificate in crafts
[] 9 Diploma or certificate in other subjects
Interviewer instructions
5.4.7 Educational standard: Information on highest general and technical education attained by the members of the household will be recorded in terms of codes in column (7) and column (8), respectively. For the purpose of making entries in these two columns, only the course successfully completed will be considered. For instance for a person who has studied up to say, first year B.A. or has failed in the final B.A. examination, his educational attainment will be considered only as 'higher secondary', for the purpose of column (7). Column (8): Technical: Technical education standard achieved by the members of the household will be recorded in one of the following codes:
1 No technical education
2 Technical degree in agriculture/engineering/technology/medicine etc.
3 Diploma or certificate in agriculture
4 Diploma or certificate in engineering/technology
5 Diploma or certificate in medicine
6 Diploma or certificate in crafts
9 Diploma or certificate in other subjects
If more than one of the codes 2 to 9 are applicable, the code indicating the diploma/certificate last received will be considered. It may be noted that the technical certificate/diploma obtained by the person need not necessarily be recognised by the Government.