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Population and Housing Census 2000
Micronesia, Fed. Sts.
Reference ID
FSM Division of Statistics
Created on
Feb 19, 2014
Last modified
Mar 29, 2019
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Ames, Todd.
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Pacific Asia Inquiry 2, no. 1 (2011).
Bonine, Kimberly M, Eric P Bjorkstedt, Katherine C Ewel, and Moses Palik.
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Bourgoin, Allain, and Ahser Edward.
Distribution, Abundance and Management of Potential Commercial Holothurians in Pohnpei Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia
Micronesica 38, no. 1 (2005): 47-66.
Buden W, Donald.
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Buden W, Donald.
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Pacific science 58, no. 4 (2004): 625-636.
Conroy K, Nobuko.
Study on the characteristics of Terminalia agroforestry in Kosrae Island, Federated States of Micronesia
University of Hawaii, 2006.
Conroy, Nobuko K, Ali Fares, Katherine C Ewel, Tomoaki Miura, and Halina M Zaleski.
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Cuetos-Bueno, Javier.
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Englberger, Lois, Geoffrey C Marks, and Maureen H Fitzgerald.
Insights on food and nutrition in the Federated States of Micronesia: a review of the literature
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Ewel C, Katherine.
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Hancock, Thane W, Mark A Durand, Arthur Yolwa, Josey Sagury, Clotilda Legthar, Mihi Ratima, Kelly Wachi, Aparajita Adhikary, Mikela Yarawamai, and Ana Yarawamai.
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Henry, Rosita, and William Jeffery.
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Hezel X, Francis.
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Ichiho, Henry M, Vanessa Wong, John Hedson, and Wincener J David.
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Lowe D, Edward.
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Scourse, Andrew, and Corinne Wilkins.
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Smith A, David.
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Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research 3, no. 1 (2008).
Smith Jr, William James.
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Smith Jr J, William.
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Taoka, Sharyl, Thane Hancock, Victor Ngaden, Richter A Yow, and Mark A Durand.
Cancer in Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia
Pacific Health Dialog 11, no. 2 (2004): 50-56.
Throop C, Jason.
On the problem of empathy: The case of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia
Ethos 36, no. 4 (2008): 402-426.
Wilken, Lynne R, Rachel Novotny, Marie K Fialkowski, Carol J Boushey, Claudio Nigg, Yvette Paulino, Rachael Leon Guerrero, Andrea Bersamin, Don Vargo, and Jang Kim.
Children’s Healthy Living (CHL) Program for remote underserved minority populations in the Pacific region: rationale and design of a community randomized trial to prevent early childhood obesity
BMC public health 13, no. 1 (2013).
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